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The Real Ghost Stories

Crazy Signs 

About a year ago or more my grandmother passed away

All of our family came to see her in he last days, after she passed, we packed up all her stuff and split it up to who wanted what

My mother being the closest to my grandmother got a lot of the stuff she had made on her spare time the last few years

One thing being a christmas tree she made herself that played music. The first christmas after my grandmother's passing, my mom called and told me that she put it up and that she thinks that my grandmother is haunting it

I guess it would just starts playing music for no reason

Of course I thought that the first christmas without my grandmother was hard on my mom and she was just taking it hard looking for anything she would to feel close to her again. This went on for months, she would call me and tell me that it was playing and that she has even put it away and she could hear it from the storage room

I finally made the choice to go to my mom's and take the tree from the house to set her mind at ease

I spent a few days there and visited her and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. So we left with the tree, got home and put it away and thought nothing of it again

About 3 weeks after getting home, I was sitting on the couch reading a book and I could hear a quiet tune playing, so I went into the storage room, looked at the top shelf where it was sitting and it was playing

I've left it there ever since it plays every few weeks or so for no reason

Maybe my mother is right and it is the last reach out from my grandmother or maybe it's just a freak thing that happens, but I don't know how a trinket can play for as long as it has without being touched. 
